Gifted & Talented Scheme
Supporting local elite athletes to get the training they need to pursue their future careers.
Rivers Fitness sponsor elite athletes who live within the district and work with them in their training and recovery regimes. A number of local athletes have benefitted from this scheme and the volume of athletes in the area is fantastic to see!
Bronze Scheme
A reduced monthly membership fee of £30 per month.
Level Required: County/District Standard (aiming for Regional)
If accepted, we expect from you: Short 6 monthly updates via email, Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram & A photo of you in your ‘Team Rivers’ t-shirt – shared on socials
Silver Scheme
A reduced monthly membership fee of £20 per month.
Level Required: Regional/National Standard
If accepted, we expect from you: Everything stated in Bronze, A short online profile linking to your socials/website & Regular sharing of our posts or mentioning in your fitness posts
Gold Scheme
A reduced monthly membership fee of £10 per month.
Level Required: National/International Standard
If accepted, we expect from you: Everything stated in Bronze & Silver, One blog a year – can be on your sporting achievements or some fitness related advice/motivation, & One video a year – whether that’s a testimonial or a workout video (filmed by us)