Expert Talks: Discovering the Power of Hatha Yoga with Marie

Marie, a highly qualified Hatha yoga instructor at Pershore Leisure Centre, has dedicated her life to helping others find balance and wellbeing through yoga. With an extensive background in fitness and holistic health, including qualifications like Teacher of Exercise to Music Y.M.C.A/R.S.A, Registered Member of the Association of Natural Medicines, and a Diploma in Reflexology, Marie brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice (Marie also passed her yoga exam with a distinction!). She teaches that yoga is for everyone - regardless of age, fitness level, or background.

Marie’s approach to yoga emphasises physical development and a deep emotional and spiritual journey. This philosophy resonates with many of her students, who describe her as an inspiration and a true teacher in every sense of the word.

One student shared: "Marie has taught me the difference between a teacher and an instructor. An instructor gets you to ‘do.’ A teacher inspires, leads, develops, and is passionate about their craft. Through Marie’s outstanding yoga classes, I have learned so much. This is not just about physical development and improvement in technique, but also a spiritual and emotional journey, leading to peace, healing, and joy."

Q&A with Marie

We asked Marie some questions to dive a bit deeper into her journey, teaching philosophy, and the benefits of Hatha yoga.

Can you share a bit about your background and how you became a yoga instructor?

"Yoga became a part of my life during the early years of motherhood. Like many working mums, I found myself juggling numerous responsibilities - work, family, and the demands of raising children. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally," Marie recalls. "I realised that I needed something to help me regain balance. Yoga became that something. It helped me manage stress, sleep better, and wake up with renewed energy." Over time, her passion for yoga grew, and she decided to share its benefits with others by becoming an instructor.

Marie’s ability to balance her own life through yoga is reflected in her teaching style, which deeply influences her students' overall wellbeing.

Another student commented: "Marie is a true inspiration. I feel privileged to be taught by her. With her wealth of knowledge and vast experience, her classes are truly special. It’s evident that Marie meticulously plans her sessions, even choosing the right music to accompany the movement and meditation, making for a truly enriching experience. The practice is physically challenging, but your mind benefits too, leaving you with a newfound sense of calm."

What inspired you to start practicing yoga, and how has it influenced your personal health and well-being?

"I was inspired to start practicing yoga because I wanted to fully embrace motherhood while also taking care of myself. Yoga became my way of finding that balance. It allowed me to enjoy each moment with my children while also giving me the tools to manage stress," says Marie. "My children are now grown, but they still talk about how much fun it was to have friends over because I was a 'fun mum.' Yoga has truly enriched my life, helping me sleep better, stay energised, and face daily challenges with a positive outlook."

How does regular yoga practice contribute to overall health and wellbeing, particularly as we age?

Marie believes that yoga is a lifelong practice, offering benefits at every stage of life, but especially as we grow older. "Yoga supports both physical and mental health, improving flexibility, strength, and balance," she says. "As we age, yoga helps maintain mobility, manage pain from conditions like arthritis, and improve circulation. It also improves cognitive function, boosts self-esteem, and encourages mindfulness, helping us stay present and engaged in life."

“A great example of this is my wonderful mother, Hazel. She used to accompany me to my classes and did yoga right up to the age of 98. Her physical wellbeing was unbelievable - she looked and acted decades younger. Her healthcare workers told me that the yoga was helping her have a happy and healthy long life. Even in her 90s, she was the life and soul of the party, so I know yoga plays a big part in giving us the tools to really engage in and enjoy life right up to 100. And even beyond. Why not?!”

How does yoga help in managing stress and anxiety?

Marie highlights that yoga is incredibly effective for managing stress and anxiety. "Through breathing techniques and mindful movement, yoga helps calm the nervous system, reducing stress levels," explains Marie. "It encourages us to focus on the present moment, which alleviates the constant worries that often lead to anxiety."

Marie’s students have personally experienced the mental health benefits of her classes. One student shared: "Marie is so positive and has helped my mental health so much. She is a true inspiration to me."

Another student added: "Marie’s positivity and humour make the classes a joy to attend. Her teachings go beyond yoga poses, they teach that yoga is a way of life. I finish her class feeling relaxed and energised, ready to take on the day."

What specific physical benefits can people expect from practicing yoga regularly?

Marie explains that regular yoga practice can lead to significant physical benefits, including improved flexibility, stronger muscles, and better balance - all of which are essential for maintaining an active lifestyle. "Yoga also massages the internal organs, improves the digestive system, and helps with pain management, especially for those dealing with chronic conditions," she adds. "Moreover, consistent practice can lead to better sleep quality, which in turn boosts mood and energy levels."

Can you provide any examples of success stories or notable improvements in your students' health and well-being through yoga?

Marie has seen countless success stories throughout her career. One student, who came to yoga struggling with severe arthritis and limited mobility, significantly improved her flexibility and strength through regular practice. Another student, a working mum, used yoga to manage stress and anxiety, which helped her find balance in her busy life. "She’s now able to enjoy her time with her family more fully and feels more energised throughout the day," Marie shares proudly.

How does practicing yoga help maintain a youthful spirit?

"Yoga helps maintain a youthful spirit by keeping both the body and mind active and engaged," says Marie. "It encourages us to embrace aging rather than fight it, to seek out new skills and knowledge, and to stay connected with others. The practice of yoga fosters a positive relationship with our bodies, regardless of where we start. Over time, we learn to let go of the need to be perfect and focus on our own journey, enjoying the process and the joy it can bring."

This positive outlook is reflected in the experience of Marie's students. One shared: "Marie is quite simply amazing! She is living proof that yoga is accessible to all -regardless of age, ability, or gender. Her classes have improved my strength, flexibility, and mental health. Her extensive knowledge, paired with her wicked sense of humour, leaves me feeling both relaxed and energised."

What advice would you give to someone new to yoga or considering starting a yoga practice?

Marie’s advice to beginners is straightforward: "Just start. Yoga is for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. Don’t worry about being perfect or achieving difficult poses right away. Yoga is a personal journey, and the most important thing is to listen to your body and go at your own pace."

For Marie, yoga is about the journey, not perfection. Her classes at Pershore Leisure Centre embody this philosophy, offering a space where students of all levels can connect with themselves, find balance, and live life with a youthful spirit and an open heart.

Marie’s wealth of experience, qualifications, and compassionate teaching style make her classes a truly transformative experience. As one of her students put it best: "Marie inspires us every class and challenges us to be ourselves. I leave her sessions feeling ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with a sense of calm and purpose. Thank you, Marie!"


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