Droitwich Spa Lido Proposed £8 Million Improvement Scheme

Wychavon District Council is proposing an £8 million improvement scheme for Droitwich Spa Lido, as part of their broader We Are Wychavon Plan. This plan aims to boost leisure and wellbeing investments in Droitwich Spa and improve the lido’s potential as a health and leisure destination.

Why the Lido Needs Improvement

Droitwich Spa Lido is already a major visitor attraction in Worcestershire and the South Birmingham sub-region. The Droitwich Spa Town Centre Investment Prospectus published in May 2022 identified the lido as a key location that could help put Droitwich Spa on the map as a national health, wellbeing, and leisure destination. This proposal aims to regenerate Droitwich Spa Town Centre and make the lido more financially sustainable, reducing its reliance on Wychavon for funding.

Proposed Changes

Wychavon has worked with the Droitwich Spa Place Board, One Creative Environments, and Gleeds to come up with several options to improve the lido. The preferred proposal includes improving the Art Deco building, which is currently underused. The plan is to convert the upper floor into a restaurant with views of the pool.

The selected option, Option Three, also includes:

  • A safer, improved entrance from Worcester Road

  • A larger extension to the Art Deco building that will connect it to the café building

  • Replacing the café with a new brine pool as part of the upgraded spa and leisure facilities

  • A new café built at the southern end of the site to serve both lido and park visitors

  • Changes to the area surrounding the pool, including extending the grounds to create a more family-friendly section and relocating the free water play area to another part of Lido Park

Benefits of the Proposal

The £8 million investment aims to:

  • Create a new purpose-built café that will improve the customer experience

  • Restore a brine bath experience, which will increase the site's attraction to visitors from other areas

  • Provide a commercially sustainable visitor attraction, reducing the need for ongoing financial support from Wychavon

  • Contribute to the regeneration of Droitwich Spa Town Centre

Wychavon Wants Your Feedback

Wychavon District Council wants your opinion on the proposed improvements to Droitwich Spa Lido. Do you agree with the plans? Is there anything they’ve missed? What would you like to see at the lido? Your feedback will help shape the future of the lido and Droitwich Spa.

How to Share Your Views

  • Online: Fill out the feedback form at www.wychavon.gov.uk/lido

  • By Post: Write to Droitwich Spa Lido Consultation, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT

The consultation closes at 11:59pm on 15 December 2024.

What Happens After the Consultation

All feedback will be presented to councillors, who will decide whether to approve the improvement scheme early in 2025. If the scheme is approved, work is expected to begin in early 2026.


If you have any questions about the plans before submitting your feedback, contact the team at:

Wychavon looks forward to hearing from you and working together to improve Droitwich Spa Lido for the future.

Click here to view the full plans and proposal


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